Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Keynote Callouts

An important skill that a trial attorney using a Mac needs to master is the ability to make callouts quickly. A callout is an blowup view of a section of a document, usually displayed over the original document. Callouts allow the viewers (jurors) to see and read a portion of a document that the attorney selects.

Keynote has the built-in ability to make callouts quickly using the copy and mask functions. Watch this Two Minute Tech Tip for Trial Attorneys video to see how it is done.

1 comment:

  1. HI, I read your article and its really helpful for us. Last week my boos wrote ..........As a member of the working force, you possess specific statutory rights specifically designed to protect injured employees in the event that you are injured while performing in the course and scope of your employment. Workers' compensation provides limited insurance coverage for injured employees for lost of wages, medical treatment, vocational rehabilitation and retraining, if necessary.

    Workers' Compensation
